AD | Iconic Female Characters that have Inspired Me

AD – this post is a sponsored collaboration with Panasonic

It’s kind of frustrating that female actresses are routinely underrepresented in the film industry. Often being objectified, discriminated or oppressed. Many ‘girly films’ feature a female lead, often weak, facing battles and desperate for love – sound familiar? Thankfully, it’s not the entire industry, and some badass female actresses have played strong, empowering roles that have really inspired me. Panasonic, the award-winning, globally recognised, technology company invited me to share my favourite female characters in films or series I have watched.

Panasonic have recently bought out the OLED TVs Panasonic*, a range of 4K HDR televisions with an incredibly sleek design that fits in with any room. The OLED screen brings the cinematic experience to your living room, all you need to do is provide the popcorn and beverages. The TV has been tuned by Hollywood pros, and designed alongside filmmakers to provide you with a truly extraordinary experience when watching your favourite shows – filmmakers are even using it as their ‘master monitor’ when creating content. I see this as my dream TV, imagine having one of those beds where the TV rises up out of the foot of the bed – now imagine that with a Panasonic OLED 4K HDR* television. A girl can dream.

Anyways, back to it, my favourite female characters from films or series I’ve watched, here goes:

Hermione Granger – Harry Potter. My childhood hero. I fell in love with Hermione in the books, and Emma Watson played her character phenomenally. As a little girl, I found myself praying I could be just like Hermione; clever, beautiful, responsible. My obsession with Harry Potter has stuck with me to my 20’s, my brother even bought me a magic wand for Christmas. Am I Hermione yet? What if I drink some polyjuice potion?


Eleven – Stranger Things. My latest obsession. She’s like a cooler, more badass Matilda. She inspires me for a number of reasons, firstly, for rocking that shaved head, secondly, for always looking out for her friends and doing anything for them. She’s a superhero to them, and she’s so brave. She’ll head into the unknown just to help them.


Sophia Amoruso – Girlboss. Sophia is a ferociously empowering character, who knows what she wants and nothing will stop her from reaching her goal. It’s a must-watch for bloggers in my opinion, as it’s incredibly motivating and makes you want to succeed at whatever you want to.


Arya Stark – Game of Thrones. Though she may be small she’s blooming mighty. From the start, she knows she’s different, wanting to be a fighter and learns how to use a sword. She can do anything she puts her mind to and is determined to do everything to her full potential. Oh, and I love her eyebrows.


Gracie Hart – Miss Congeniality. *Chandler Bing’s voice* ‘She’s an FBI Agent posing as a beauty contestant!’ Yes she is. Gracie Hart broke the stereotype that you can’t have beauty and brains. She made the best undercover agent and saved the day.


Katniss Everdeen – The Hunger Games. Katniss sacrificed herself to save her sister from entering The Hunger Games. She rebels against corruption and capitalism and would sooner have no-one ‘win’ the games by killing herself than have to kill Peeta in order to win. She stands up for what she believes in and will fight to the death for it.


Moana – Moana. I had to include a Disney character in here. Moana is a film I’ve watched a thousand times (thanks to having a 3-year-old niece) and I feel she’s a brilliant role model for young children. Hers and Maui’s relationship is not one of romance, but teaches children about friendship. She goes against her fathers’ wishes and fears to do what is right, to restore the village to its original greatness. She is honest, humble, strong and independent and she teaches children about important values.


So here’s a big thank you to those characters for changing my life and inspiring me.

Which female characters are heroes to you?


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  1. January 17, 2018 / 12:54 pm

    I’m so glad you chose Moana! She’s just the best. I’ve always wanted to be Hermione since reading the books when I was little, I used to copy all of her lines from the films haha x

  2. January 17, 2018 / 1:54 pm

    Gracie Hart is a bad ass bitch and Miss Congeniality is the BEST. This is such a great post, I’m a huge supporter of any sort of female empowerment and especially ones that don’t live up to the girly stereotype!
    Alice Xx

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Staffordshire, UK

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