What happened when I had a Psychic Reading

I’d never really been a huge believer in psychic readings. I mean, I watched a lot of Derren Brown and knew a lot of it was about cold calling and asking questions with lots of various meanings or answers.

It’s safe to say I was a bit of a sceptic and I know there are a lot of fraudsters out there. I’d have never spent my money without knowing that the psychic was reputable and could give me an accurate and detailed reading.

Last week my sister went to see a psychic called Jo, and she phoned me after to tell me everything. The accuracy was unreal and sent shivers down my spine. The lady had known family secrets that literally no-one else knew but us. I knew I had to book her for my own reading. If I was going to have a psychic reading, it had to be with Jo.

A couple of things that she had said to my sister included that I needed to be careful about getting pregnant, and that although I don’t want children now, I’ll have two in the future. She also said there was a lady with curly hair, who had died choking on food, telling Jake to stop looking for whatever he was looking for. I believe this lady was Jake’s aunty, telling him to stop looking for the motorbike that was stolen a few weeks back.

Jo told me she’d always been able to see spirits, but people told her she was mentally ill. It was only in her late twenties when she began to have premonitions and visions that she decided it was time to pay attention to the spirit world and start connecting with it. She embraced it and now, in her forties, her connection with the spirit world is stronger than ever.

Anyway – my own psychic reading.

Jo came to our house, and I had hidden all of the photographs out of the living room so that a connection couldn’t be made between my sister and I. Strangely enough, the lady had grown up in our street.

She said, “You don’t get on with the neighbours, do you?” Nope. No we do not. She said when she walked up our drive there was an energy in their house that she said she didn’t like, and the spirits had told her my family didn’t like them either.

I made us both a cup of tea and sat at the kitchen table.

Jo asked me to choose between two decks of cards: a regular deck of playing cards, or pictured tarot cards. I went for the picture cards. To establish a connection, Jo mentioned a few words and phrases to try and make links to the spirit world. Almost straight away she said an older gent from my mum’s side had come through the door and stood next to me. I told her that the only male that had passed on mum’s side was my great granddad.

My Gramps had a lot of things to say to me, mostly that I need to stop doubting myself and be more confident. Jo said I’d been indecisive, like I’d been taking off loads and loads of t-shirts repeatedly, which is exactly what I’d done the previous week after not feeling comfortable in anything in my wardrobe.

My Granddad had also said that I should take the more challenging of two options on my uni course. And Jo said she felt he had been helping me with my breathing.

The other spirit that came through to me was a little girl, who is apparently always around my feet. She said I have to be careful wearing my big red heels and that I shouldn’t dye my hair. This comes after I very nearly bought a temporary dye last week at work and put it back.

Jo then started to deal my tarot cards and would tell me things as she did. She said it’d be starting a new journey soon, where I’ll grow into myself and become stronger, but I need to be careful that I don’t trip over pitfalls. She also said I’m like a sponge and tend to take on other peoples’ problems, but I should cleanse myself and be rid of other peoples’ problems.

Jo asked me if I was arty, and asked me to start making things I could sell. Funnily enough, the previous night, Lianne from Eat The Disco asked me if I wanted a stall to sell me photos, and I turned it down out of fear or not selling much or being good enough to sell. Jo told me I need to go for it! I must have sounded like a total nutter, but I’m hoping whatever Jo thinks I should do is right.

One of the really accurate messages was surrounding the month of October. Jo said that October is a gentle reminder of devastation I’ve felt, but it’s laid to rest now. She said I should use it to move on and be stronger. When I booked this reading, I had in my mind that I would have liked a message from my friend Jordan, who passed away in October 2015. I think this was Jo’s way of saying that he knows I wanted to hear from him, but he couldn’t come through to give me a message.

Finally, Jo asked if I had anything I needed answering. The question in my mind was a little personal and incredibly specific. She asked me to stand up and she would see if my Granddad would move me to answer it. I asked the question in my head and Jo asked my Granddad to push me forward for yes, and backwards for no. After a few seconds, my body rocked forwards enough to lift my heels up at the back. It was the most surreal feeling I’ve ever experienced. I also got the answer I had hoped for.

To conclude my session, Jo did a quick recap of everything she had seen in my cards and the messages the spirit had sent, and before I knew it, my hour was up.

My mum had her reading straight after me, and she actually got more spirits through than I did. I won’t go too much into what was said in her reading, since that’s her own personal experience. She has given me permission to mention a few things, though.

My mum’s Nan came through for my her. She was incredibly chatty, actually. The main thing that made us giggle though was that Jo said “She’s trying to give you rhubarb? Like, a lot of rhubarb! Your Nan said when are you making her a pie?” Funnily enough, there’s a rhubarb patch in our back garden that desperately needs harvesting. Dad and I have been nagging mum to root it up and make a crumble. I think Nan’s giving her a nudge! But seriously though, firstly, who even grows rhubarb? And how would Jo knew we had rhubarb?

Bros. Why are they saying Bros? Does your husband look like someone from Bros??” My mum nearly died laughing. Who remembers Bros? I mean, they were before my time in the late 80s-early 90s, but were a pinnacle band in my parents’ teenage years and early twenties. In my Dad’s twenties, people used to say he looked like someone from Bros, with his slicked back hair and two earrings. It’s something that would only be relatable to them. I knew about it because Mum and Dad had told me the story, but no-one else would know. Like I said – who even remembers Bros these days?

So there we have it. I’ve been converted from a sceptic to a believer of psychic readings. It’s easy to pass it all off as nonsense until you actually give it a go yourself. I would definitely recommend a psychic reading to anyone who is sitting on the fence.

I genuinely believe that Jo was receiving messages from the spirit world. For every accurate message, there were perhaps one or two inaccurate or general messages that could apply to most people. However, the messages that were accurate were undeniable and 100% for me and only me. It was a truly incredible experience that I would definitely do again.


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  1. June 5, 2018 / 8:38 pm

    This is so interesting, funnily enough my nan was a medium ( she never ever charged people) she simply used to get things randomly it was actually crazy, my ex thought she was crazy when she told him about his two sisters ( he was an only child yet she described their appearance) 6 months later his sister got into contact from his dads side who he never knew it was crazy she was exactly like my nan had said.

    I’ve never had a reading but I would love one, I just find it hard to trust which ones are trusting haha

    Alicia Xo

  2. June 12, 2018 / 2:47 pm

    A very interesting experience, thanks for sharing!

  3. June 13, 2018 / 12:55 am

    I’m a HUGE believer. I went to one when I was 17 and the things she told me all came true. I even found out that I was actually a twin – long story!

  4. katiemiddleton94
    June 15, 2018 / 10:02 pm

    This is so amazing to read. I’m a huge believer in this sorta stuff and I always want to go get a reading done but I get scared about what they might say (and who might come through) your experience sounds amazing!

    Katie x

  5. June 16, 2018 / 7:54 am

    oh wow this sounds amazing, I would love to get my reading.

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Staffordshire, UK

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