21 things before I’m 21 bucketlist

In six months’ time I’ll be edging my way into my twenty-somethings. To challenge myself I’ve created a little bucketlist of things to complete before my birthday. I was pretty horrified about leaving my teenage years behind, but I’m quite looking forward to being 21 (since I’ll be legally able to drink when Jake and I go to New York!)

Anyway, I’m setting myself 21 goals to hit in the next six months. It was actually my sister who inspired me to do this, since she’s currently writing her ’30 things to do before I’m 30’ list. Most of my goals aren’t huge achievements, but they’re things I want to do all the same. You ready?

  1. Pay off New York

    My deadline for this is September, so I’m save save saving until then! I’m so excited that Jake and I can spend out third anniversary somewhere special.

  2. Go to a festival

    This year I’m off to Tramlines festival. Last year we went to Y Not and it got cancelled on the final day and I passed out during Stereophonics. Tramlines will be my second chance to see ‘phonics and not faint at the sight of Kelly Jones.

  3. Buy and read Sarah Knight’s The Life Changing Magic of Not Giving A F*ck

    It’s a book I’ve had my eye on for a while and i want to know what the hype is. I bought my sister her ‘Get Your Sh*t Together’ book which she loves so I need to have a read myself.

  4. Go surfing

    Last year anxiety got the better of me on holiday and I wouldn’t get in the sea. Surfing is something I’ve loved since I was about 15 so I really kicked myself for not going.

  5. Start weight training

    Because not exercising for a year has taken it’s toll on my thighs and fitness levels.

  6. Add £1,000 to my savings

    Courtesy of my student loan, of course. I’ve been putting bits away every semester but I’m hoping to keep adding to my savings.

  7. Start my final year at uni

    After finishing my second year with a First I’m so excited to get cracking with next year!

  8. Get a bra fitting

    Every girl needs a good fitting bra. I went to get a fitting at Ann Summers and the service was so poor. I want to try M&S or somewhere like that where they actually help you find your right size.

  9. Raise money and donate to Animal Lifeline

    This is where we got Phoebe and Frank from, so it would be great to give a little extra to them. They get especially busy around Christmas time.

  10. Book tickets to a gig

    I’m always at local gigs, but I haven’t been to a ‘big gig’ in ages so I’d really like to get something booked!

  11. Turn the spare room into an office

    I bought my desk about 6 months ago. The spare room is currently just full of junk and we need a massive clear out so I can have my little desk space.

  12. Try embroidery art

    Either embroidery or macrame. I just want to fill some time with something thereputic and arty.

  13. Buy a swiss cheese plant

    I have been looking for a cheese plant for the office for so long. I need to just go and blooming buy one already.

  14. Stay in a cabin

    I’ve seen some adorable little camping pods. Jake and I are going to just take the laptop and a load of DVDs and snacks. I think it’s such a cute date night idea.

  15. Go to a safari park

    In Jake’s car. Not mine. Defo don’t want monkeys pulling my windscreen wipers off.

  16. Go to three UK cities

    Just an excuse to get out of the house and go on a roadtrip. Liverpool is defo on the list as I really want to go to The Florist. I’d also love to return to York. Give me some ideas of places to visit in the comments!

  17. Ride a tandem

    If I can convince Jake to get on one with me…

  18. Get an article published in a popular publication

    This is a dream for any young journalist. I would love someone a little bigger to publish some of my work.

  19. Go to a casino

    I have never been to the casino. It scares me a little as I’m not the gambling type. I think it would be fun to go with my brother and sister and have some fun, though.

  20. Photograph someone famous

    I love my live music photography and whilst I’ve photographed the likes of Primal Scream and The Fratelli’s, I want to photograph more. I want to photograph as many people as I can possibly fit down my lens. I’m hoping to get a photo pass for Tramlines festival to fulfill my wishes!

  21. Make my own gin

    Following our Gin Masterclass at The Exchange, mum and I were determined to make sloe gin. We haven’t got round to it yet, but I’m desperate to do it, so it’s getting done before I’m 21.


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  1. June 28, 2018 / 7:42 pm

    I love bucket list posts always gives me inspiration for my own. I’m so jealous that you’re going to New York, hope you have the best time and I am excited for all the Instagram and blog spam about your trip!

    Fran | http://www.franciscarockey.co.uk

  2. June 28, 2018 / 7:46 pm

    This was a really interesting post as I turn 21 at the start of next year! I definitely agree getting a bra fitting is such a good thing to do, not even joking makes you feel like a new woman ahaha. The service at M&S has always been really good when ive gone. I’m sure you will get an article published, your writing is really good! Best of luck xx


  3. June 28, 2018 / 10:24 pm

    I really love the idea of this! It’ll be so fab to reflect on and be like damn I’ve done everything I wanted to!! Also can’t believe you were into surfing – that’s so cool xxx

  4. ruthinrevolt
    June 29, 2018 / 8:54 am

    Great list! Good luck with them.

    In terms of bra fitting, if you have a Bravissimo anywhere nearby, I really can’t recommend them enough. The service I had there was wonderful! Saying that, I have also had one at M&S and that was a pleasant experience, too so it’s still a good choice. 🙂

  5. loverosiee1
    June 29, 2018 / 6:30 pm

    ah 21 for me was such a good year. it was the first time i really felt like i was waking up and really finding myself. So jealous about New York, I am desperate to go!

  6. June 30, 2018 / 8:58 am

    I haven’t been to a big gig in almost a year now either! I find it hard to justify the prices nowadays when I’m skint and so bloody short I can’t see anything and my anxiety is all over the place in such a crowded place so I only feel like I half enjoy it. I’d love to make gin, that sounds super fun and good luck with the surfing! Bristol has some awesome stuff to see but I know it’s super far from you!
    Alice Xx

  7. June 30, 2018 / 3:57 pm

    These are all such fab things to add to a bucket list. I should really think about doing one for when I turn 30 in a years time!!! I can’t get over how cute those two pooches are, I just want to give them cuddles haha. x

  8. July 1, 2018 / 8:39 pm

    Awww how exciting! I definitely want to go to a festival too! I hope you get all these ticked off! xxx

  9. July 2, 2018 / 7:47 pm

    What a great list! Oh and by the way debenhams were really good for my bra fitting! Alicia XO

  10. July 24, 2018 / 8:09 pm

    Fab list, funnily I did the bra fitting before 21, best place I found was Victoria secret, they have little bells to ring when your ready to be measures and when you need a bra changed x

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Staffordshire, UK

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